illustrami 3

8 artists for 8 poets

A performance between thoughts and colours
Illustrami is a cycle of exhibitions dedicated to the interaction between art and poetry, a project that has already had a great deal of positive feedback and that we expect to grow. For this edition, we have selected eight pairs, each consisting of an artist and a poet. The theme was left completely free, allowing the participants to work without any
constraints, making the exhibition a kind of poetry slam.

Almach Art Gallery, sempre attenta nel tenere alta l’attenzione sul mondo dell’arte, è orgogliosa di presentare Illustrami 3, una mostra di giovani artisti e poeti, per dare spazio all’arte emergente in questo particolare momento.

Crediamo che supportare le “giovani promesse” sia fondamentale anche per una galleria come la nostra, solitamente dedicata ai grandi maestri dell’arte moderna e contemporanea.

La mostra è stata organizzata con il contributo di due giovani e promettenti curatori, Barbara Ludovina Basile ed Elia Panori, di YoungArtHunters.

Artworks by:

Bianca Beltramello
Sofia Bianchetti
Giulio Centurelli
Simone Croci
Niccolò Misrachi
The Passenger
Valeria Spina


Poems by:

Elena Pavin
Maria Teresa Fidanzia
Isotta Ortonovi
Sara Congiu
Francesco Di Donna




It is, as always, a stimulus for me to introduce 'new' artists to the international art scene.

I find that the work carried out over the past few years is now bearing fruit, presenting quality artworks, accompanied by increasingly interesting poems, to continue the "ut pictura poesis" combination that is the common thread running through our young art talents program

Luca Temolo Dall'Igna


Via Gaudenzio Ferrari 3
+39 02 39287513


Lun-Sab: 10-13 | 16-19
Sunday: close
Others by appointment
