“Blow Up”

di Luca Temolo Dall’Igna

In the traditional photographic technique, observing a negative in transparency shows an almost unrecognizable, inverted image that creates a special effect of mystery.
As we develop the positive, a form begins to emerge between the acids and the surface of the sensitive paper, slowly appearing, holding our breath until it is fully revealed. Chemistry then becomes alchemy, bringing to life, not only what the negative contained, but more importantly the idea from which it started, going beyond the surface.

This is the cue that from Julio Cortázar's book inspired Michelangelo Antonioni in his 1966 film, Blow Up.
Ariel Soulé takes the title, but immediately separates himself from it in order to freely express his work based on the concept that reality is almost never what we see.
In his studio, for long months, Ariel Soulé took images with his mind that were not completely abstract, but magically conceptual. Having selected the best ones, he began to produce on large canvases his "negatives" that is, he "impressed" surfaces with shapes, lines and colors that brought otherwise intangible energies and thoughts into the sphere of the visibly perceptible. And so far we would remain in the fascinating world of abstract art, of which Ariel Soulé is an acknowledged master.


Ariel Soulé

180×143 cm
olio su tela – 2022

Ingrid Strein

180×140 cm
foto su alubond – 2023


Ariel Soulé

180×150 cm
olio su tela – 2023

Ingrid Strein

180×140 cm
foto su alubond – 2023


Ariel Soulé

180×143 cm
olio su tela – 2022

Ingrid Strein

180×140 cm
foto su alubond – 2023

This is Ariel Soulé's Blow Up, a work where the photograph unveils the painting, bringing into the world of visible reality that of non-visible reality with the same effect of magical awe as negative film development.
Six large-scale works, one by one flanked by six equally sized photographs, with a result that is sure to "impress" the viewer's mind.


Ariel Soulé

180×150 cm
olio su tela – 2023

Ingrid Strein

180×140 cm
foto su alubond – 2023


Ariel Soulé

180×150 cm
olio su tela – 2023

Ingrid Strein

180×140 cm
foto su alubond – 2023


Ariel Soulé

180×150 cm
olio su tela – 2023

Ingrid Strein

180×140 cm
foto su alubond – 2023

The artist, however, does not tell us everything. He keeps the essence to himself, letting some of the images and concepts in his paintings remain veiled, because photography brings to the surface what is on the surface, opening the door for us to enter, but it is still up to us to engage in understanding the true meaning that the canvases want to communicate to us. Because after all, works of art should not be "seen," but listened to, so that they transport us into the magical world of the "unseen."


So it goes without saying that I am really happy to be able to present this project, this exhibition of paintings that Ariel Soulè, together with the photographs of Ingrid Strain, wanted to pay homage to and present for the first time in Almach Art Gallery in Milan, which as always and even more so, wants to be a space to give voice, with high volume and intensity, to every true and genuine expression of art.

Luca Temolo Dall'Igna


Via Gaudenzio Ferrari 3
+39 02 39287513


Lun-Sab: 10.30-13 | 16-19
Sunday: close
Others by appointment
